Good News for 2024
Hope is alive in 2024. No doubt, we are facing many challenges. But when people collectively put their mind to things, amazing things can happen. Bringing people collectively together starts with our neighbours.
The Great News is that in Canada, USA and England, most people want stronger relations with their neighbours. And when Neighbours are connected across their differences, our societies become gentler, kinder and happier places.
So here is our BHAG ( the polite way of saying this is our Big Audacious Goal): By January 2029, Canada will have a new culture where it is normal for neighbours to know each other, care about each other and support each other. And more than that, the USA and England will also normalize the same kind of culture of caring for their neighbours.
Out of this culture, we can choose governments that put being human above all else, we will insist business operate in environmentally and socially responsible ways and we our selves will become part of the solutions our children and grandchildren need.
I know, I know – your thinking, Barry – you’re a big dreamer, and it will never happen. But why can’t it happen? The majority of people want it to happen. All we need is a little support and initiative to make it happen. Our governments and our businesses can’t stop us if we the people, decide to do this. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
Here is how we are going to make it happen. And you can be part of it with little effort or cost.
We have developed the Good Neighbour Process that uses 5 simple steps for you and your neighbours to come together as a social, friendly, supportive community. We have been trying this process out for 8 months and have proved it works.
For 2024, we are going to pull out all the stops and share this process far and wide so anyone who wants a friendlier supportive neighbourhood can have one.
Here is our simple strategy for 2024:
- Train facilitators who want to be the Super Neighbourhood Connectors in their community. If you want to be a Super Neighbourhood Connector send me an email
- Concentrate our marketing efforts on communities with Super Neighbourhood Connectors.
- Engage the people who want to make their neighbourhoods more connected and are willing to roll up their sleeves. It involves taking our Bringing Neighbours Together Workshop. It’s 3 One hour sessions designed to be easy, fun and safe. To learn the timing, get on our mailing list here.
- Spread the word neighbourhood to neighbourhood and tell as many people as we can. You can help us by sharing our Facebook and LinkedIn posts and forwarding emails.
- In our focus communities, reach a tipping point (12% of neighbourhoods are connected) A tipping point of 12% causes the majority of other neighbourhoods to jump on board as well.
- Have a big celebratory festival celebrating socially connected Happy Communities.
That’s it, focus on a few communities where we have the support of Super Neighbourhood Connectors. Support Neighbourhood Connectors in bringing Good Neighbours together. And let the good news spread by word of mouth until tipping points are reached.
As each community becomes more socially connected, belong and supportive, our governments will want to be part of the process. And in this way, we can change the culture of our society so it is normal for neighbours to know each other, care about each other and support each other.
Are you with us? There are three things you can do to help us reach our audacious goals:
Be a Good Neighbour and take the Bringing Neighbours Together workshop online Get the times by joining our newsletter
Share what we are doing through your network of connections
Roll up your sleeves and help us with marketing and fund raising or take our training and be a Super Connector in your community. Contact
We can’t do this alone. With your help we can make 2024 the year where our world turned a big corner. 2024 can be the year where it started to become normal where neighbours know each other, care about each other and support each other. It can be the year where we collectively care about the future of our children and grandchildren.
Reach out to me anytime 1-902-830-6569
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