Hope for or Hope to? What is the Difference
Hope is incredibly important to us for our wellbeing. Without hope, we are left with despair and with hope we are left with possibility and optimism.
Recently I listened to an interesting idea on two kinds of hope.
They are very different and affect us very differently.
There is ‘hope for something’ and there is ‘hope to something’.
Hope for is a passive kind of hope, a hope where we can sit on our couch and wish for something different. For example, we could hope for the end of Covid tomorrow or we could hope that our community becomes more caring in nature.
Although it is possible that these things could happen, the person hoping is helpless in the outcome and that in itself can bring on a kind of sadness. It is a recognition that the hope is placed in someone else who may or may not fulfill our hopes
Hope to is a more active kind of hope. … Read the rest